Sandra Castillo

Peru |Knitting Specialist
Image forSandra Castillo

After a recent period of trials and tribulation, Sandra was ready for a fresh start for herself and her family. Instead of feeling defeated and giving up after facing hardship, she took matters into her own hands and found work at KNOWN SUPPLY. She’s working hard with a goal of going back to school and study cooking.

“I want to start over again. People around me complain about the father of my children and I want to get away from that. I’d like to buy a plot of land and start a business.”

“Eating lunch with my school friends. We shared everything we had so every lunch was like a buffet.”

“Love means respect, understanding and good communication.”

Did they make your product?

Previous Thank Yous

Andrew Furusawa

April 26, 2019

I have a beanie you knit over 5 years ago now and it's still one of my favorite beanies. I hope you've been well these many years and I wish you the best. Thank you.

Kim Sommer

January 28, 2018

Hi Sandra! Thank you for such a soft, wonderful scarf! I bought this at a store in St. Joes Michigan, very cold here in the winter. I love this scarf! I read your story. I want to encourage to keep up fighting for your goals. You may feel alone at times, remember the Lord is with you , beside you, and the lifter of your head. Keep wise and kind people in your life. God bless you and thanks again!

Kim sommer

January 28, 2018

Hi Sandra! Thank you for this beautiful scarf. It is so soft. I live un Michigan and bought it at a store in St Joes. Very cold here! I read your story and want to encourage you in your goals to keep working hard and believe in yourself and especially in God who is your strength. You have a beautiful smile😊!!! keep loving others and take one step at a time. Gods blessing over you !

deborah harrison

February 10, 2017

Hi Sandra,

I am wearing the scarf you knitted and just love it. I bought it at a store called Whole Foods here in Massachusetts. It is very cold here because we just had a lot of snow, so it is keeping my very warm.

Thank so much and I just love the company you are working for :)

Jennifer Nance

January 21, 2017

Thank you for my awesome beanie! It's honestly the softest, most comfortable I've worn. I really hope you continue creating and striving to achieve your dreams.

Hayley White

December 17, 2016

Thank you Sandra!
I got a black beanie "the hayley" style that you made and absolutely love it! I wish you all the luck in pursuing school again and starting your business!! :)

Kathy Robinson

November 25, 2016

I LOVE the hat you made! I will wear it every time I go outside from now until May and every time I put it on, I say a prayer for you. It's a way we can be connected even though we are across the world from each other :-) Thank you for all of your hard work. God brings beauty from the ashes and has purpose and a good plan for your life! He loves you with an immeasurable love and you can trust Him! With much love!

Sol Anderson

August 12, 2016

my dad recently bought back one of your hats from his travels for me, and it is so beautiful and warm, the fact that i get to wear it every day might just be the only good thing about British weather.. thank you so much for my lovely hat, and i wish you the very best with your fresh start ^_^

Sandra Custodio

April 11, 2016

Thank you so much for all your hard work. I will forever cherish the hat I reviewed for many reasons. My last name is Custodio, however recently I have gotten engaged. My finances last name is Castillo. When I revived the hat with the name sandra Castillo I accused him of writing the name on the hat. He laughed it off and said the hat arrived in a sealed box inside of a sealed bag, which it did. I showed my entire family this new hat with my soon to be new name. My mother in law being extremely religious said it was a sign.
I admire your strength and continued dedication to taking care of your family. I hope all your future endeavors of becoming a chef come true. Best of luck.

Charlotte Gormish

January 30, 2016

I received a hat that you made in my "Faithbox". It's so nice and warm. Thank you!

Gina mullis

December 5, 2015

Today I am staying warm wearing the ladies zipper sweater you made! It is beautiful, and so are you! Thank you so much for being a strong role model for women everywhere!
Gina M.
Indiana, USA

Jess Asien

December 2, 2015

Thank you so much for the beautiful grey hat you made. I just love it. It's very cold up here right now and these last few months have been trying for my family. Today I was able to take my husband to lunch after taking him to the doctor to learn how to give him the shots he needs everyday. At the cafe they had wonderful knit and crochet goods by the beautiful people of KK. I fell in love. In this cold weather it felt good to treat myself to a warm hat.
Keep doing the good work, Sandra. I know things are hard right now but you sound like a strong woman with real, achievable goals. I believe in you. I hope you always believe in yourself.
Much love,

Stephen Cantino

May 17, 2015

Thank you Sandra for creating my Riley Hat! Thank you for your time, skills, and efforts involved in creating this hat. It fits wonderfully and is very comfortable to wear, even in the sun! I want to wish you and your family the very best moving forward in a very tough situation. I hope you are able to relocate and start the business of you choosing. I believe in you and your ability to go out and achieve what you want to do. I know this because women are very strong and more often than not achieve what they put their hearts and minds to. Thank you again and congratulations on the start of your new journey!!
Nashua, NH USA


January 12, 2015

I have the Holland (I think!) scarf in Orange made by you and I absolutely love it! My boyfriend gave it to me for Christmas and it keeps me so warm. I also went through a major life change recently. I left an abusive boyfriend and started over with nothing. Now life is so much better and I'm back in school... I was terrified starting all over again with nothing but now I wish I had done it sooner! You can do it, just remember that life goes on! Best of luck to you in your future endeavors! Breckenridge, Colorado

Lauren hatmaker

January 8, 2015

Thank you Sandra for making my beautiful pink scarf! I pray that your dreams come true! Never give up!

Lani Zangara

December 25, 2014

Thank you Sandra for the beautiful black scarf. I truly appreciate the work you put into it. I pray for all the best for you and your family, and for many happy days ahead. Muchas gracias!

Bryan Qualls

December 25, 2014

Muchas gracias por el gorro. En California estamos en invierno y me cayo a pelo!
Le deseo mucha felicidad esta navidad.