As the first born child of seven, Beatrice assumed her mother’s role in taking care of her siblings when both of her parents died. During the war in northern Uganda, Beatrice and her family jumped from town to town in search for safety which made life unexpected and unstable. Now that she is working at KK Uganda, she is earning a steady income and is able to buy food and support her children in school.
“I want to buy a plot of land for my children and educate them as long as I can.”
“The most beautiful thing about northern Uganda is the fertile soil and the food that we are beginning to experience.”
“Support as many vulnerable women as you can because the impact is good.”
Previous Thank Yous
Valerie Wiegman
December 29, 2020
Hi Amony! I have received many compliments on my beautiful red beanie made by you! I am so happy to see your story on the website, and to get to know you a little better. I am praying for you and your family!!
Ashley Mihalik
December 3, 2019
Thank you for making this beanie to keep my head warm in winter. You did a beautiful job making it.
Miranda Berry
January 9, 2018
This hat you made is so comfortable and very cute! You did such an amazing job and I cannot thank you enough. Stay strong, sweetheart!
Kimberley Reis
February 19, 2017
Hello Amony. I just received your hat and think it's beautiful. I look forward to wearing it and sharing your story. I am hoping you get your plot of land soon-what a wonderful goal you have set for yourself and your family. I wish you all the best. I am glad to have been able to support your endeavours through Krochet Kids.
Kim (Canada)
Karan Shomaker
September 24, 2016
Thank you Amony for making my black headband. I love the way it looks and is so comfortable. You have true talent.
May you and your family be blessed!
Natalie Caswell
March 26, 2016
Amony Beatrice,
Thank you so much for the wonderful hat. I received it as a Christmas gift and have been wearing it in the snow and cold ever since. I do not hesitate to let my friends feel the hat's softness and explain the story behind it when they ask. The hat is beautifully made and comes in handy often. I hope you keep up the good work and are able to earn that plot of land and continue your children's education. Best of luck to you!
December 19, 2015
Thank you Amony Beatrice for the beautiful hat. I purchased this as a christmas gift for my friend. She also sells crocheted items for a living and will greatly appreciate your work. You are very talented and I hope you get a plot of land very soon. All the best.
Victoria Tiedemann
November 25, 2015
I am wearing your beautifully knit hat right now as I type this. It is very warm to wear as here in New Jersey, USA, it is getting very cold and we have to wear layers over our bodies now. I thank you for taking the time to make this and am very glad that you are able to better support your children. As a mother, I know how important that is. Thank you once again! You have a beautiful smile! May you be able to get your plot of land soon!
February 1, 2015
Beatrice: I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you and all of your hard work. You have a strong sense of leadership and dedication that will take you far in life and will benefit you and your family. Live, Laugh, and Love Ms Beatrice and share the joy! Thank you! xo
Abigail Fowler
January 21, 2015
Thank you for this wonderful hat! I wear it all the time. Good luck to you and your family.
Stephen wilson
January 11, 2015
Im a 13 year old kid and my dad bought me this hat because I needed one. He doesn't have the greatest sense of style but definitely got it right on this hat. I absolutly love it and can't wait to wear it to school. Thank you and best wishes to your family.
January 8, 2015
I love my hat! Thank you. You are so awesome!
Lots of love,
Zoey, age 12,
Julia Sotelo
January 3, 2015
Hello Amony!
I am 19 girl who received a beanie that you made as a Christmas present and i wanna say thank you so much for it its beautiful and thank you for your hard work!
December 28, 2014
I just bought the Lilly hat and I love it! You are very talented! I pray that you will be blessed with good health and make enough money to buy some land so that you can provide for your family...
Sending good thoughts your way!
Jodi Plaia
December 21, 2014
Hi Amony Beatrice!
I received a Bella hat that you made as a gift from a very dear friend of mine. I love it! And when I wear it, I will think of you. Thank you for your craftsmanship. Thank you for your message. I send you and your family many blessings. - Jodi
Kara Cunningham
November 16, 2014
Thank you Amony Beatrice! I bought a striped hat you made at the Snowbomb Ski festival in San Francisco a couple weeks ago. I don't usually buy crochet items because I can make them myself but I was inspired to buy something that I know benefits another woman. The hat is perfect, I've already worn it several times! I will definitely be purchasing more from Krochet Kids. Thank you, again!
Holly Rice
April 15, 2014
Hi Beatrice,
I am not a hat girl but when I saw your creation (The Lilly) at a music festival a couple weeks ago, I just had to have it. Then when I found out what Krochet Kids is all about, I was definitely sold! My boyfriend picked out the seafoam color and I wear it all the time, even around the house! Thank you for making such a beautiful product, and I hope that my small contribution helps you and your family. I admire you and think of you every time I put on my awesome beanie.
~ Holly
gabriela santana de oliveira
February 13, 2014
hi Beatrice, I'm from brazil and I'm an exchange student in california... i went to the store and bought the hat and I'm really happy about knowing who made and that i could help you and i just wanna thank you for making the hat i love it
Mariah Sahagian
January 23, 2014
Dear Beatrice,
I simply just wanted to thank you for making my beanie, I absolutely love it!
Thank again for your hardwork& for being you.
Akeia Benard
January 5, 2014
Dearest Beatrice,
My hat is absolutely lovely! Thank you for making it with lots of care. It is my favorite hat and is so special because it is hand made by someone who's face I can see and someone I can know a little bit about. I hope you, your family and children are well. Your children and siblings must be so proud of your hard work!
(I learned a few words so I could say to you:)
Weebale Nnyo!
Sereen Shihadeh
January 2, 2014
The hat I bought was so beautiful!! I love the ball on the top. It's so soft. You are very creative and amazing. Thank You.
Emily Ledoux
December 25, 2013
Hello Beatrice,
Thank you so much for my amazing hat, i will wear it everyday. I live in the Untied States. This hat id one of the most beautiful things i have ever owned. I was so happy to receive this for the holidays. I am wishing you a happy holiday season. Thank you so much and i wish you the best of luck getting your land and becoming a teacher. I wish you and your family well.
Royce Robinson
December 20, 2013
Dear Beatrice,
I just wanted to thank you for making these great hats, I live in Colorado where it's cold. The hat is made well and keeps me warm.
Danielle Cutillo
December 12, 2013
Beatrice! Thank you SO much for this beautiful beanie! It is perfect for me and I am going to wear it all winter! :)
Tom Kim
September 25, 2013
Dear Amony Beatrice,
I actually received this hat as a gift and I am actually really grateful for both you and my friend for giving this hat and I feel so much more love and effort put into this hat and I really respect what you are trying to do for your family and I pray that God will continue to provide more opportunities and blessings for your household. Thanks for this small gift,
Kudos from the U.S
Tom Kim
Nancy Bent
July 14, 2013
Dear Amony Beatrice,
Your beautiful glass case that you made for me arrived yesterday. I love it and what beautiful work you did to make it. Let me know what other projects that you make. So sorry that you have had to struggle to feed and educate your children and wish for you the best in the future. May God bless you and your family.
Thank you,
Nancy Bent
Sara Calvosa
December 28, 2012
Thank you! My hat is soft and perfect. I am so sorry for your troubles and hardships and terrible tragedies. My heart breaks for that, but I'm also inspired by your resilience and perseverance and love for your family. You are amazing and I am so glad to have received this gift. I will actively look for ways to support this organization and you. Thanks again, love from my house to yours.
stephan darland
December 27, 2012
Thank you Amony Beatrice,
When these hats fist arrived at our store I was immediately impressed by how unique they were and I new I wanted to buy one. I then researched the company and was even more impressed. You made a beautiful hat and I am grateful to you and I hope your goals come true and that you are happy.
Andrew David Gleim
December 25, 2012
Thanks for all the work you put into making my hat I got for christmas. I am moving to colder weather and will use it very much. It means a lot to me to be able to personally thank you for your handiwork. This is such a great business. Good luck to you well into the future!
Kelsey James
December 25, 2012
Dear Amony Beatrice,
Thank you so much for my hat! I live in New Mexico. I got it this morning and I absolutely love it. It will help keep me warm this winter. You are an amazing lady. I will share the story of Krochet Kids and the work that you do. God bless you and your family!
In Christ,
Stanley Chaisson
December 9, 2012
Dear Amony Beatrice,
Thanks very much for making my hat! You are a very talented lady. I live in a small Island in Canada called Prince Edward Island. Our winters are extremely cold, but with your hat on my head I'm warm and comfortable all the time! I'm sharing your story with my friends and family to continue supporting krochet kids!
Take care,
Aina Dumlao
November 11, 2012
Dear Amony Beatrice,
People like me who live peaceful and privileged lives forget that there are millions of people like you who struggle everyday. War, poverty, sickness - these are harsh realities that a lot of us forget but so many experience every day.
Thank you for making this beautiful hat. This hat will remind me everyday that I have to be thankful for the life that I have and that it is my responsibility to do what I can to help make the world a better place. I will help spread the word about Krochet Kids and your wonderful work.
With love,
Libby A
November 8, 2012
Dear Amony Beatrice,
Thank you so much for making the wonderful hat I just received. Your skills are very amazing. I will think of you and you family each and every time I wear it and cannot wait to tell and show everyone I know, how wonderful it is. I wish blessings on you and your family and hope that you all remain well and that happiness fills your future. Keep doing the great work you are doing. You are such an inspiration.
With love and blessings,
Libby A.
brenda fernandez
August 20, 2012
Thank you so much for the crocheted vans. I received them today in the mail and they are just wonderful, every single detail of them. Your story is very inspiring and I wish you and your family the best. Once again, thank you, you're amazing!
February 9, 2012
Amony Beatrice,
I think about you quite often and I pray for you as well. You see I wear the hat you made all the time and it makes me remember the special person who made it. I hope you and your family are doing well. I am happy to see that Krochet Kids has been so successful and I know you are blessed through this project. You are an inspiration and I know your hard work will pay off.
February 3, 2012
Thank you so much for the hat! I received it for Christmas from my cousin! I wear it ALL OF THE TIME, especially snowboarding! I live in Erie, Pennsylvania and it gets pretty cold in the winter, so thank you for the warmth! I hope you get to buy that plot of land that you dream of!
Hannah B.
Rebecca Mosella
January 30, 2012
Thank you so much for this gorgeous and cozy hat! It is so soft and I absolutley love it! I got it as a birthday present and it has made my day SO much better. I live in Alabama, USA. It doesn't get very cold here, but TRUST ME, I will be wearing my hat all the time!! I wish you the best and pray that God blesses you and your family! Much love :)
Molly Dungan
January 19, 2012
Dear Amony Beatrice,
Thank you for all the love and care you put into making my hat. My brother gave it to me for Christmas and I love it! I wear it everyday to and from work and school. I live in central Illinois where lots of corn is grown. The land is flat so it gets very cold (18F or -8C) and windy here!! I wish you and your family health and prosperity in this new year!
Molly D.
Julia Meglasson
January 2, 2012
Dear Amony Beatrice,
I love the beautiful hat you made. Thank you for making it. I live near the mountains in Oregon, USA. It's very cold during the winter here and your wonderful hat keeps me warm. Everyone in our family has a Krocket Kids hat.
My wish for you in the coming year is that you and your family have the best year of your lives so far!
Julia Meglasson
Madeline Smith
January 1, 2012
Thank you, may God bless and watch over you. I wish you and your family the best. I will wear my hat with pride. I will introduce KKI to all my friends, in hopes that it will help create a better future for my sisters across the globe.Always remember, no matter how hard life gets, that many care for you.
Full Name*Julia Megl
December 25, 2011
Dear Amony Beatrice,
Thank you for making my beautiful hat. Everyone in our family received a hat as a Christmas gift and we all love them. My daughter and granddaughter gave me the hat you made as my Christmas gift. We had a wonderful day with the family together and I hope your family also had a nice celebration. I hope the coming year is the best year of your life so far! Best wishes to you and your family from my family in Oregon and Washington, USA.
Rachel Gaskill
December 21, 2011
Dear Amony Beatrice,
Thank-you for the beautiful hat that you made. I received it as a Christmas gift. It is so warm and cozy. I live in New Jersey and the winter months can get pretty chilly. I am a mother myself of two girls. I can't imagine what you have been through to keep your family safe. I really admire your strength and courage. I wish you much peace and happiness in the new year. My family will pray for your family and I will show my hat to everyone I meet in hopes that they too will buy a hat. God bless you and your family.
Rachel Gaskill
Kelly Courtney
December 19, 2011
Dear Amony Beatrice,
Thank you so much for the beautiful hat you made. I bought it during a church Christmas gathering in Irvine, (Orange County) California. Your story and the other women's stories are truly inspiring. I pray God continues to bless you and your family. My prayers for stability, education for your children, and hope, go out to you.
Love and peace,
Kelly Courtney