After her father passed away, Lucy spent most of her time farming in order to help support her and her family’s education. However, due to the lack of finances, she was forced to drop out of school. During the war, her sister was killed and Lucy took it upon herself to care for her sister’s children which put more of a financial burden on her while trying to stay strong during an emotional time. The KK Uganda program has given her the resources she needs to be able to feed her children, pay for their basic needs and education, and give her a sense of peace about the future.
“I want to buy a piece of land, educate my children and also start an IGA that will act as my family’s extra income.”
“What I enjoy most is playing with my children.”
“I love the peace in Northern Uganda and I pray it remains good.”
“I appreciate what you guys are doing to touch and change lives here in Uganda.”
Previous Thank Yous
Mark Jacobs
November 15, 2018
Dear Lucy, I want you to know that you made my favorite hat. It's made of gray yarn and it's very warm. I always wear it so that people can see Africa on the front. Thanks for doing such a wonderful job!
February 28, 2018
This is a fascinating mission which I did not know about until after I found your hat in our local goodwill store earlier today in northern Minnesota, USA.. This hat you made is a blue striped one which caught my attention because it's my favorite color and you did a wonderful job in making it. My daughter likes to krochet too!!.. I wish you all the best in your life and pray for you and your family.. God bless.. Sean
Jennifer Y
January 25, 2018
I love the hat you created! I could never do anything like that! I pray for stable peace and freedom from oppression for you and your family. May God bless you.
December 23, 2017
Dearest Aciro Lucy... you made my hat! Thank you for your beautiful handiwork! I think of you, the beautiful woman dedicated to her family, when I wear it. I like knowing there is a real person making something I wear with pride. I hope you get land for your family and wishing that peace always surrounds you. Thank you, Srivani in Canada
December 23, 2017
Dearest Aciro Lucy... you made my hat! Thank you for your beautiful handiwork! I think of you, the beautiful woman dedicated to her family, when I wear it. I like knowing there is a real person making something I wear with pride. I hope you get land for your family and that peace always surrounds you. Thank you, Srivani in Canada
December 23, 2017
Dear Lucy...thank you for making my knitted hat. I absolutely love it. I think of your dedication to your family when I wear it and wish for you a bright future. It’s so nice to know a bit about the person who made something I wear with pride. All the best, Srivani in Canada
December 23, 2017
Thank you for my lovely toque!! I’ve always wanted one with a PomPom! Praying that God will bless you as you have blessed me with this beautiful birthday gift.
Logan Valentine
November 26, 2016
Dear Lucy,
Thank you so much for making this hat! I got the Donner army green hat.
You have worked so hard for everyone! I really hope your dreams come true!
Logan Valentine
Logan Valentine
November 26, 2016
Dear Lucy,
Thank you so much for making this hat! I got the Donner army green hat.
You have worked so hard for everyone! I really hope your dreams come true!
Logan Valentine
Rachael Heasley
November 8, 2016
Thank you so much for this amazing hat, it so soft and lovely and by far my favorite beanie. You are such a beautiful, empowering women, this hat is truly special. Thank you so much!
December 25, 2015
My five day old son and I thank you for your beautiful work and wishing you the best of luck to accomplish all you r dreams for your family.
Patrick Maleszewski
December 24, 2015
Thank you Aciro! I have one of your hats you made, and I love it. Im really glad that KKU program is helping you, and i hope it continues to help you and many others. I will be buying more hats and I hope to see your name in them. Thank you and have a Merry Christmas :)
James Harris
December 22, 2015
I received a wonderfully and beautifully made hat that you made!! Sending my good thoughts to you and pray that everything starts to look positive for you and your family!
Brian baskin
December 1, 2015
Thank you so much. May God bless you and your family.
James collings
December 1, 2015
Thank you for making my hat. I live in montana United States. Its gets well below zero here in the winter and it will come in very handy for sure.
Tyler Rich
November 29, 2015
Thank you very much for making my hat!
I love the way it fits.
Hope all is well
Mark Atkinson
November 25, 2015
This is an amazing and beautifully made hat. I appreciate your skills! I wish you the most success, happiness and peace for your family!
Lien Tran
July 11, 2015
Thank you for your hand crafted beanie ! I've received it as a birthday gift and it's very lovely.
Randee timlin
April 11, 2015
I saw this beautiful hat in a store and couldn't resist buying it, now knowing your story and the story behind these products I'm extremely proud to own this hat. I look forward to buying more of your products. I wish you great health and happiness.
Nicole Sanchez
January 6, 2015
Hi Aciro! I was fortunate to bump into some people selling Krochet Kids hats in San Francisco and I love it! It fits so well and am proud to wear it! And it's a great conversation starter. Thank you so much for making this well made black hat! I pray you have a happy new year!
Modesto, California
Aubrey Taylor
December 27, 2014
I wish i could buy all of the this you all made. You guys are so inspiring and i hope everything in Northern Uganda stays better and even get better for all of you.
Amy Nielsen
December 8, 2014
Thank you very much for making such a beautiful beanie for Krochet Kids. I bought your beanie for my son this Christmas. I appreciate your effort. Thank you for what you do. It is a special gift.
Courtney Eskew
November 25, 2014
Dear Ms. Lucy,
I recently bought one of the Madeline hats that you made. It is beautiful, and I am looking forward to wearing it. Here in the United States we are about to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. I would like to thank you for your work. Best of luck to you and your family!
Taylor Van Duinen
December 27, 2013
Hi Lucy!!
You are such a beautiful woman! And your work is beautiful as well :)
My mom gave my sister and I matching Ediths for Christmas. They are perfect for keeping our ears warm in the snowy winter!
I visited KK in Gulu earlier this year and was inspired by the hard work of you and your friends. I pray that God will bless you and keep you in the new year, and that you will depend on Him as you work to accomplish your goals.
Thanks so much!! And keep that beautiful smile on your face :)
Kirstan Shelton
December 25, 2013
Thank you so much Aciro Lucy!!! I love my 5207.5 black hat!! I received it for Christmas this year and have been wearing it all day, it's so cute and warm! It's made so beautifully and I LOVED seeing your name written on the inside! It warms my heart knowing you made this hat with your time and heart, and that makes it all the more special. God bless you and Krochet Kids. I love supporting a company that glorifies God and does Great Commission work through the name and Love of our savior, Jesus Christ! Your story and work encourages me, thank you so much, I really do love it! =)
Kirstan Shelton
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Taylor Pitton
November 6, 2013
Dear Lucy,
Thank you so much for the beautiful hat you've made for me! My mom bought my sister and I one each for Christmas, but we got to have them early since the cold weather is already here. I can't wait to wear it and I will think of you every time I do :)
Sending my love to you and your family,
Ontario, Canada
Alexandra Weaver
October 8, 2013
Hi Aciro Lucy !!!
Thank you for making this beautiful hat :)
It will surely keep me warm for years to come.
My brother is also living in Uganda (Kyetume, in Central Uganda) working with locals to make Palm Soap to sell at local markets and abroad.
Best of luck to you and your family,
-Alexandra (Alberta, Canada)
Michelle Wa
October 4, 2013
Thank you so much for my beautiful headband, it's called 'the Juliet'. I hope you continue to experience peace in Uganda and that the money for your beautiful item finds you and helps you reach your dreams for your future.
Rachael Knudson
July 23, 2013
Thank you so much for making my beautiful mint green hat. It will keep me warm in Iceland this fall and looks so much like the landscape of the North! Thank you and God bless you. Prayers and blessings to you and your family!
Cavin Newman
May 30, 2013
Hi Aciro Lucy,
I received a beautiful flower for my birthday that I can clip to just about anything and show it off. I love it. I said a prayer for you as you work to make a better life for yourself and your children. All God's best to each of you. Thanks for sharing your story and your smile.
Cavin Newman
Rush Springs, Oklahoma
Belinda Mackenzie
May 18, 2013
Hi Acrio Lucy.
Thank you for making my lovely yellow hat! I love it!
I was so touched to read your story. You are an amazing women!
I am so glad for you and your family that Uganda is peaceful now, and I pray it will stay that way.
God bless,
Belinda from Australia.
Ashley Randolph
May 3, 2013
Aciro Lucy,
Thank you so much for making the beautiful flower! I encourage you to continue to use your talents to glorify God. You have touched me all the way in Texas.
God bless,
Ashley Randolph
Dallas, TX
Casey Sautter
March 6, 2013
Dear Ms. Lucy,
Thank you so much for crocheting my beautiful new hat! I bought the Hodge Podge in dark olive. I love it! I wore it to school last week, and many people commented on how much they liked it. You're so talented to be able to create such well-made items. I hope and pray that everything is going well for you in Northern Uganda. May God bless you and your family.
Lanesboro, Minnesota
Chantée Kelly
January 10, 2013
Thank you so so much for making such a beautiful hair clip! Im so excited to wear it. I think what your doing is so amazing and i wish you and your family many blessings. Your strength and love is greatly admired! i know you will do many great things with your remarkable talents. Much love from my heart to yours. thank you again!
Craig Taylor
December 28, 2012
Hello Lucy!
I would like to take this time to give much much gratitude for making this wonderful crafted hat. I really enjoy it and that I hope the future for you and your family will gain much success. I really appreciate it! :D Peace & Blessings!!
December 25, 2012
thank you for the work and patience crafted into this beautiful masterpiece that is my new favorite winter item. proud to say while i wear it that a beautiful woman took the time to create such a beautiful item. thank you again and blessed be from America.
Tim Brophy
December 19, 2012
Your careful work and craftsmanship put into my beanie makes me proud to wear it! Thank you so much.
Alison Conrad
December 15, 2012
Miss Lucy,
Thank you so much for the time, effort and beautiful work you put into your hats! This is my most favorite hat and I am so thankful that you spent the time to make it! Praying for you and your family!
Alison C.
[Washington state, USA]
Kiah Brooks
December 1, 2012
Thank you so much for making my hat. It keeps me warm and my mom happy, since i never seem to remember to wear one, but this one is perfect and keeps me cozy. I hope you get the dream you are working so hard for!!!
Again, Thank You!
K. Brooks
Denise Dame
November 24, 2012
Hello Lucy,
I want to tell you I can never seem to find a hat that I needs to feel good and look good and you made the perfect hat for me. My boyfriend and I were out window shopping and when I saw it and felt the quality I knew if it looked good on me I would buy it, my boyfriend liked it on me so I bought it!! It was only after buying it I realized what it meant to the people who have made them and that made me feel so good.
I hope you are very proud of yourself for what you have done in life and what you are continuing to do!!
I know good things will come into your life!!
Thank you, Denise
Peta Hurley
November 1, 2012
Hi Lucy, I am the proud owner of one of your beautifully made hats. I wanted to thank you for your wonderful workmanship and let you know that your hat is my favourite. I wish you all the very best for the future.
Adam Trujillo
October 21, 2012
Thank you miss Lucy! My hat is great!!!!....and now that I have met you it means much more to me ;)
Keep working hard and you will meet your dreams. I wish nothing but the best for you and your family!
Thank you!
Rachel Richardson
August 26, 2012
Thank you soooo much for my new sunglasses case! It is just absolutely beautiful!!! I wish you and your family the very best, keep up the good work!
Trebreh Butler
August 16, 2012
Hey Lucy, I got my hat ... It's amazing, and soft ! I promise to wear it as much as possible and think of you every time I wear it! I wish you and your family the best, your doing a wonderful job! Hopefully I'll get another hat you made! God bless you :*
Love Trebreh from Miami, Florida <3
quinton gumbs
August 3, 2012
thank you for hat i hope we will meet may god bless you thanks alot
Cody Dykeman
March 23, 2012
First off, I would like to say your hair looks absolutely gorgeous! Aciro I received your hat in the mail today and couldn't tell you how excited I was to wear something with such great purpose. I can't even tell you how much I wish my purchase changed your life at least a little. And now that I know a little about you, I hope to help even more. The hat is absolutely beautiful and is softer than anything I own. Thank you thank you thank you!
Josh Lorbacher
February 16, 2012
Thank you for my awesome hat Aciro Lucy. I wear it everyday and its perfect; I love it. I pray for you that your future in Uganda stays peaceful like you want it and that you can live happily with your kids. Your story is so powerful and so touching, I'm honored to wear your hat.
Cameron Garcia
December 25, 2011
Thank you, Aciro Lucy. You are a beautiful, strong woman and I am so proud of what you're doing, and all that you've taken on. Thank you so much for the hat, it's really pretty. Good luck to you.
Paige Baldwin
December 25, 2011
Thank you so much for my hat Aciro Lucy! My brother bought it for me as a gift and I have never been more excited. I usually don't wear hats, but I cannot wait to wear this out and show it off, and talk about the cause! I am so thankful to be able to wear your beautiful creation, and greatly appreciate your work. Thank you again! :]
Rheanna G
December 25, 2011
I just got this beanie for christmas from my mom, I absolutely love it! I also love that its so unique to come with your name inside, that makes it 10 times more amazing to me. I think I was more excited to see your signature in it than anything. Thanks for your beautiful work Lucy Aciro, I wish you the best in all you do! I wish I could send you a picture!
Breana Echols
December 25, 2011
Thank you so much...I love my hat and its so great and beautiful I pray that you will reach your goals and continue to be able to help your family
stephanie ayala
December 18, 2011
thank you so much!!This beanie was my first krochet kid beanie and i love it . thank so much again :)
Quinn Kinnaird
November 25, 2011
thank you so much for my beautiful hat-- i've never been so excited to wear a hat to school. i get so many compliments-- complimenting your gorgeous handiwork of course-- and i'm so so happy i have the privilege of wearing the hat you so beautifully made. thank you SO much. :) :)
Katie Gilmore
November 25, 2011
Thank you soo much. I love what you made. Keep dreaming! I believe you will reach your goals and be happy.
sarahi arrieta
November 24, 2011
Thank you Ms. Lucy for the hat, i love it. i hope you get a chance to live your dreams one day.
I send you my wishes over here from San Diego. oh and Happy Thanksgiving (:
Rachael Hamilton
November 12, 2011
Thank you sooo much for my hat. I got it yesterday, and i got to wear it on my first date with this guy, and thanks to you, i think i looked adorable. :) good luck to you and thanks again!
Emily McClure
November 8, 2011
I wanted to say a huge thank you for my hat Aciro Lucy! It is so warm and beautiful I get excited for the cold weather so that I can wear it. I wish you and your family all the best. Thank you again I love my hat.
Denae Weinert
September 30, 2011
Thank you so much for my hat Aciro Lucy, it's beautiful. I appreciate what you're doing and I wish you and your family good luck in all that you do. :)